
According to the roadmap we announce our toknenomics:

🔹Token: MS.

🔹Total Supply: 100.000.000 tokens.

🔹Listing price(USD): 0.02$.

🔹Liquidity: 11.2%

🔹Dev: 10%- (30% Unlock after 1 year, 5%/month next 14 months)

🔹Marketing: 10% — (Tge 10%, 10%/ months next 9 months)

🔹Seed: 1.75% (Tge 10%, 7.5%/month next 10 months-$0.008).

🔹Private: 3.25%(Tge 15%, 8.5%/ month next 10 months-$0.012)

🔹Presale: 20% (Tge: 25%,25%/month next 3 months-$0.016)

🔹Ecosystem (Battle): 38.8%(Tge: 10% on IDO, 10%/ month for next 9 months)

🔹Airdrop: 5%( 50% unlock after 1 month)

Remember to follow our social media for more detailed information.
This is only the beginning!

