
Monster Slayer
1 min readNov 2, 2021

🔹We laid the foundations for our project in Q1 2021 with novel ideas about a NFTs game project in the context of an upward trend in NFTs. We’ve raised a large fund from angel investors to develop the project.

🔹Starting from Q2, we collaborated with a professional team of designers to develop the graphics as you can see now. We built our contract on BSC platform and sent it for audit on legitimate audit communities and passed the audit flawlessly. Not only did we develop a logical token system but we also had our game source code inspected and tested carefully.

🔹In Q3-Q4 2021, we put maximum effort into marketing our schedule for selling tokens on legitimate platforms such as oxb uni…After that, we planned to list tokens on pancake, coinmarketcap, coingakeco, gate..Then, we will publish our game so that investors can make a profit and make progress along with the project.

🔹In Q1.2022, we will take off with the mobile app project on Android and iOS.


